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 “A smile is a universe welcome” ~ Max Eastman.

Isn’t Max right? A smile is absolutely wonderful. It costs nothing and can bring a rainbow to the world. 

I smile a lot. It has become a norm with me as I go about my day. Smiling brings out happy emotions and feelings in me.  My face lifts up and I actually look younger and prettier, even with my crow laugh lines. I also find my day progresses faster and I am inclined to be more productive as I work.

There are just so many great reasons to beam away, I don’t even think I can list them all here but here are ten good reasons to start you off:

  1. A beautiful smile makes us younger and more attractive, and who wouldn’t want to be more attractive?
  2. A friendly smile can start conversations leading to fantastic networking. 
  3. A kind smile can bring joy to another, and make them forget their worries even if for a little while. 
  4. A genuine smile can gain trust.
  5. A cheeky smile can diffuse an tensed situation.
  6. Smiling boosts your immune system.
  7. Smiling reduces stress.
  8. Smiling creates positivity.
  9. Smiling is lowers your blood pressure.
  10. Smiling is contagious.

Set yourself a challenge to smile more often and make others smile along with you. Cheers 🙂  

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