Life is not meant to be the best. Life is meant to be happy.
We often talk about wanting a happy successful life. How do we define success or for that matter happiness? When we are successful, we are happy and when we are happy, we are successful in all we do.
So is success and happiness linked to material wealth, health wealth or spiritual wealth?
To me a successful life filled with joy means we have a roof over our head to keep us safe and warm, enough food on our table, great health and especially be full of spiritual wealth. When we stop chasing material things and appreciate what we already have, when we are in good health and when we are at peace within our self, life is balanced. Does that mean we do not go for higher achievements? No, it just means we need to learn enough and to appreciate what we already have while still striving towards our ambition and goals.
So what does this phrase “Life Is Meant To Be Happy” mean? Well, let me tell you this amazing story and hopefully, it will enlighten you to see the truth about happiness in this case.
The Story of the 99 Club.
Once upon a time, there lived a King who, despite his luxurious lifestyle, was not happy nor contented. One day when he was out travelling, he noticed a peasant who was singing happily while he worked.
The King wondered how this lowly peasant who has nothing can be so contented and asked the man “Why are you singing so happily?”
The peasant replied, “ Your Majesty, I am but a common man. However, my family and myself don’t have much wants, just warm food to fill our bellies and a roof over our heads.”
The King doubted the man’s words. When he returned to his palace, he sought advice from his most trusted minister. After hearing the King’s headache, the minister said “Your Majesty, I believe this peasant that you saw is not a member of the 99 Club yet.”
“The 99 Club?” asked the King. The minister proceeded to explain. “Your Majesty, to understand the 99 Club, you need to deliver 99 gold coins in a bag and place in on the man’s front door.”
So the King did exactly that the next day. When the peasant returned home that evening, he saw a bag on his doorstep. He took it into his house and opened it. When he realised the bag was filled with gold coins, he gave out a shout of glee. He began to count the coins one by one and after several counts, he confirmed there were 99 gold coins. He began to wonder why there were only 99 coins? “What happened to that last gold coin? No one would leave just 99 coins!”
He searched everywhere but he could not find the 100th coin. He decided that he would start working harder to earn the one gold coin that would complete his collection of 100 gold coins.
From that day, the peasant worked extra hard and had no time for his family. He was completely focussed on earning the one gold coin. He worked from morning to night without stopping. He was exhausted and grumpy by the end of the day. He stopped enjoying his work and he stopped singing.
The King observed the dramatic change in the peasant and was puzzled. He asked his minister to explain. His minister replied “Your Majesty, the man is now a member of the 99 Club. The Club consist of people who have enough to be happy but they are forever striving for that one extra thing that they think will make them happy, thus they are never satisfied nor happy.”
The moral of this story is that we can be happy and contented regardless if we have a lot or very little in our lives. The moment we forget to appreciate what we already have and let our desire and greed overpower us, we join the world of discontentment and unhappiness; adding unnecessary stress into our lives. Choose to be grateful and happy while living your dreams. After all, life is meant to be happy, truly.
Have you count your blessings today?