Facebook Security and Privacy Settings
Have you taken a look at your Facebook security and privacy settings lately? Most of us use Facebook as a mean to connect with family and friends, more so now that the COVID pandemic forces us to stay home and prevent us from having physical gatherings and travels.
Facebook is currently one of the biggest social networking site that makes it easy for us to connect and share with family and friends online. To date, Facebook has 2.89 billion monthly active users and growing. It is a fantastic platform to stay in touch with family and friends.
However, few of us pay attention to our Facebook Security and Privacy Settings after we have signed up for Facebook. I have many friends who had unwittingly lost their passwords to so-called “trusted friends”, had their Facebook identity copied, and even unknowingly exposed personal family photos to the world, instead of keeping the audience limited to family.
Family and friends have often approached me to set up their Facebook security and privacy settings for them. What better time than now as I am stuck at home to create a video tutorial that serves as a basic guide in establishing a safer and more private Facebook environment for your sharing with your family and friends. I have used my Facebook privacy and settings as the example in the video. Please note you may always choose the level you are comfortable with, depending on how private or public you want to go. To watch the Facebook Security and Privacy Settings video tutorial, please click here. I would love to hear some feedback on this tutorial to see if it was easy to follow and if it helps you to understand the safe practice of using Facebook.
Once you have set up your Facebook Security and Privacy setting, you may use the “View As” to see how others view your Facebook.
Always keep updated with the changes in Facebook, and routinely check your security and privacy settings. By spending some time to go through the set up, you will reduce your worries and stress about sharing safely in Facebook.
Well, that’s it from me for today. Be safe and mindful on what, how and who you share with online as you engage in your online activities with family, friends and others. Keep up the good faith as we go through together in our challenge to remain healthy physically and mentally, and to do the right thing in fighting the battle against this stubborn virus we are facing. Cheers!